


讲座题目:Distributed Control and Energy Generation with Structronics Technology(基于结构电子学技术的分布式控制及能量转换)

主 讲 人:Tzou Hornsen(邹鸿生)


    间:2014610  19:0020:30


主要内容:Synergistic integration of modern "smart" materials, structures, machines, sensors, actuators, and control electronics can transform conventional passive structures and machines to active, multi-functional and adaptive "smart" structronic (structure + electronic) systems with inherent self-sensing, diagnosis, control, healing and/or repair capabilities. Starting with an overview of smart structures and advanced distributed parameter systems (DPSs) (e.g., nozzles, rockets, blades, mirrors, reflectors, antennas, solar panels/collectors, etc.), this report focuses on 1) multi-field coupling of photo-magneto-thermoelectromechanical responses of distributed photo-magneto and piezoelectric-thermoelastic structronic shell systems and 2) distributed sensing, energy generation and control of structronic shell systems. The first topic focuses on distributed actuation and control using various smart materials. Actuation forces and moments defined by piezoelectric, electrostrictive, magnetostrictive and photostrictive actuators are discussed. Two design principles, i.e., the segmentation technique and the shaping technique, are proposed. Simplifications of the generic theories to engineering structures are presented. The second topic focuses on distributed sensing, energy conversion and control of structroinc shells, i.e., elastic shells coupled with distributed sensing and control layers. Microscopic distributed energies, membrane control forces and control moments are evaluated. Practical applications are also discussed.

主讲人简介:邹鸿生 TZOU, Hornsen (H.S.),美国University of Kentucky教授,浙江大学航空航天学院教授,哈尔滨工业大学教育部“111”工程新学科技术创新和发展顾问及博士生导师。是国际智能结构与结构电子学系统领域的创始人之一,智能结构、板壳控制领域的学术大师。从事多功能混合结构(光----弹性)板壳理论、智能板壳结构设计及控制理论和分布式智能感知与控制的理论体系的研究,并应用于航空、航天、汽车、医疗、能源、机械等元件及系统设计。1983年获得美国普渡大学机械工程学院博士学位,先后任美国肯塔基大学机械系助理教授、副教授(终身)、教授(终身)。在国际学术期刊和国际会议发表学术论文450余篇 (SCI+EI论文超过300),论著被SCI引用超过2000,EI他引超过3300Journal of Sound and Vibration引用最多的作者之一(by 11/15/2006)。获得六次最佳论文奖,六次美国机械工程学会杰出领导及服务奖、出版学术专著6部。叁次获得美国 NASA新技术发明奖并取得多项专利。现任Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing编委担任美国机械工程师协会(ASME)技术知识传播理事会(Board on Technical Knowledge Dissemination)执行理事会长、中国力学学会、固体力学专业委员会智能材料与结构专业组组员、浙江省海外高层次人才联谊会常务副会长等。
