理学院迎百年校庆系列报告(二十七):Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics in Periodic and Advective Habitats


报告时间:20201031日(周六)15:00 -- 16:00


报告题目:Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics in Periodic and Advective Habitats

报告摘要: In this talk, we shall discuss the dynamics of reaction-diffusion-advection models for single and two competing species in one-dimensional periodic habitat. We establish the monotone dependence of the principal eigenvalue on diffusion and drift rates. As applications, we first establish the critical threshold for the persistence and the monotone dependence of the minimal wave speed on the drift rate. We also consider two competing species model and study the local and global stability of semi-trivial steady states. Furthermore, the existence of evolutionarily singular strategies is established, which helps gain deeper insight into the evolution of dispersal in advective environments. This is our initial attempt to connectsome ecological questions to incompressible steady flow. This is a joint work with Prof. Yuan Lou (The Ohio State University).


报告人简介刘爽,中国人民大学博士生,导师为楼元教授。2016年获得哈尔滨工业大学(威海)学士学位,博士期间在美国俄亥俄州立大学联合培养2年,已在 《J. Differential Equations, Discrete Cont. Dyn. Sys.-A, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》等杂志发表论文6篇,主要研究方向为生物数学和偏微分方程。曾获山东省优秀毕业生、宝钢优秀学生奖等奖项。
