【理学•学术报告】Event-Triggered Adaptive Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems


Event-triggered control has received much attention due to its advantages in reducing the amount of data transmission, saving communication resources, reducing energy consumption and so on. This talk will focus on event-triggered adaptive control schemes for uncertain nonlinear systems. Firstly, research background and current status of event-triggered adaptive control are reviewed. Then, certain challenges of designing output triggered controllers based on backstepping technique for both normal-form systems and mismatched uncertain nonlinear systems are discussed. Finally several schemes are presented to address the challenges.








温教授是IEEEFellow、新加坡工程院院士。20111月至201312月任IEEE Fellow Committee成员,2010年至2013年任IEEE控制系统学会杰出讲师。目前,他是《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》的联合主编、《Automatica》的副主编(自20062月起)和《Journal of Control and Decision》的执行主编。温教授还担任了2000年至2002年《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》、2013年至2020年《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》和2009年至2019年《IEEE Control Systems Magazine》的副主编。同时,温教授一直积极参与组织国际会议,担任总主席(包括IECON 2020IECON 2023的总主席)、TPC主席(例如自2008年起担任中国控制与决策会议CCDCTPC主席)等职务。


温教授获得了多项奖项,包括2005年新加坡工程师学会颁发的著名工程成就奖和2017IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics最佳论文奖。从2020年到2023年,每年都被Clarivate列为高被引科学家。
