【计算机·学术讲座】Two Case Studies in Automotive Digital Forensics



报告时间:2024年9月14日 16:00-17:00



  Modern vehicles including smart cars have been equipped with many electronic devices such as electronic control units (ECUs), on-board diagnostics (OBD) systems, telematics and infotainment systems, gateways, sensors, etc. Because these devices create, transmit, and store a lot of digital data, modern vehicles are becoming key source of digital evidence in vehicular forensics. In this presentation, I explain and discuss two automotive digital forensic techniques: one for Android-based in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems and the other for vehicle diagnosis Android apps.

  The IVI systems serve as central hubs for entertainment, communication, and navigation, storing crucial evidence for accidents, thefts, and cybercrimes. As the first case study, this presentation explores a digital forensic technique of Android-based AVN systems installed in Kia vehicles. This technique collected and analyzed navigation data, Bluetooth data, and system log data. 

  Meanwhile, some dedicated mobile apps can capture driving and diagnostic data from a vehicle via a Bluetooth-enabled OBD-II scanner. As the second forensic technique, I present an effective automotive forensics through data and log analysis of vehicle diagnosis Android apps. It collects and analyzes three different types of data left on an Android phone which has been connected to the OBD-II port of a vehicle via Bluetooth communication.



  CHO SEONG JE,韩国檀国大学计算机学院教授,博士生导师。2017年荣获马奎斯世界名人录:终身成就奖第九届年亚太区信息安全领导成就计划,荣获信息安全高级专家荣誉称号发表论文300多篇,在韩国计算机学会、国际移动互联网安全研讨会、韩国软件评估学会、韩国下一代计算会、韩国信息科学学会、韩国信息保护学会等学术会议上,荣获优秀论文奖20 多项曾担任GPC、CIKM、ACM RACS、MobiSec、ACM SAC、WISA、IEEE AIKE 等国际学术会议的主席、联合主席、组委会主席等职务
